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Thursday, April 15, 2010

plein de air

Today I'm going out painting again with a friend. I woke up really early and painted on some oils that I was working on before.
I have to say that I have been encouraged to paint more since looking on fb at Marc Hanson's work and been inspired to do some smaller daily paintings since looking at Marc and Duanne Keiser.
Will  post what I do today if I don't wipe it out!!! HAHA

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Charcoal Workshop at Warwick Library May 4 ,2010 6:30pm -7:30 pm call 986-1047


Meet the artist at Greenwood Lake library from 12:30-2:30 April 25th. 79 Waterstone Road, Greenwood Lake, NY # 845-477-8377

Drawing Classes at Mount St. Mary College,Desmond Campus

a close-up of the Desmond Campus
There is still time to sign up for drawing classes at the college starting April 17 from 10-12 for the next 6 Saturdays. Call today to sign up 845-565-2076.